[u][b]THE CORRUPTOR[/b][/u]
Story/ visuals: scenario, map design, triggers created by: The_Vandhaal
Music/ sounds: voiceacting and music composed and created by:M0nTy_PyTh0n (Hyena Studios)
Coop name is: Mars Picture productions ( we have to give it some name...)
RELEASE DATE: Has been released in 2009
TYPE :Full Cinematic ( AoM TT campaign version)
Around 5 full cinematic scenarios (AOM TT campaign version)High detailed movie sets with personalised location features.
NO MODS only original AoM TT stuff is used.
Underwater, space and air scenes
Nice camera tracks
Custom Composed music score
Custom created music score
Voice acting
Custom sound sfx
Feature lenght movie
Nice storyline
5 custom overlay picturesScreenhsotsFind all screenhsots in The Vandhaal Gallery here:The Vandhaal screenshot pagesThe Vandhaal Gallery
Ok guys...I have taken you to: the lands along the river Rhine and showed you the tale of Alberich and his conflict with the Mighty god Wotan in The ring of the Nibelungen act 1: The Rhinegold back in 2005, I have taken you to a tiny and Mysterious Island in the atlantic ocean in Brass Monkey in 2006, I have taken you to the mysterious depts of the ocean and showed you the true story of what happend to Atlantis in Wonders of the deep and the Wonders of the Deep menu also back in 2006, I have taken you to a battle field and showed you the ruthless battle between Alberich and his legions and the Sinister Gibichungen race in the Clash with the Gibichungen free DVD video back in 2007, I have taken you to ancient Greece and witness strenght and honour of the glorious Spartans in the multiplayer campaign: Spartans also in 2007, I have taken you to ancient Persia and showed you the true story around the tower for the gods in The Tower of Babylon again back in 2007, I have given you in various years presents for Christmas, I have taken you to Erebus and showed you the sthe strong walls of the Hades worshippers in the Elflesh Hades city mp supremacy scenario, Togheter with Pepsidude_123 (a.k.a Alex) we have shown you the true face of the Hades Archers in Hades nudes and Archers again in 2007, I have given you Real Mythical heroes with the HEROES texture mod in 2008, I have given you journeys to countless mysterious locations in the AoM TT world and shown you many Mythical events in the countless Eyecandy screenshots I have created over all these years. And now I have taken you, together with the musical magic from M0nTy_PyTh0n and the dramatic magic from all 25 voiceactors, to the lands of Egypt to witness a immersive and epic mythical tale in The Corruptor feature lenght full cinematic. And this last tale will most likely be the last story I will tell you in the Age of Mythology World. I say most likely because you never know but I think it is time to fade away for me. I hope you all have enjoyed all my stuff over the past years. It took countless hours to create it, to be honest it took too much time but while I was wasting my time on it all I always thought about all of you and always hoped that I was able to suprise and entertain you with it all. I hope that the sourmouths ( yes there where many in all these years) stay away from it and do not ruin it ( best is that they do not even download it) and I hope that all the others.....oldies and new guys/girls around this hobby community will enjoy it all and keep it save from the hands of the sourmouths. Oh yes I will be around..... You can stumble on me and the guys in our dark hideout in cyberspace or maybe even stumble on us all in the FIGHT CLUB on Eso or somewhere were ruthless mp supremacy battels are fought! I thank you all because you have been a great audience and you have given me a lot back for my hard work!And now let me be silent.....it is time to enjoy the, most likely, last Vandhaal aom TT story and hear the magic M0nTy and the voiceactors have added to it.......enjoy The Corruptor!Best regards,
Movie %26 Story by: The_Vandhaal
Music %26 sounds by: M0nTy_PyTh0nVoice actors (in the order of appearance):Narrator: Rebeka Thomas
Anubis: Ty 'Aramek' Konzak
Crowd on the beach: Nicolas 'Grandpa' Gray Samantha 'Samurai' Carotenuto
Guardian: Scott Oka
Aleia: 'Rina-chan'
Ra: Rina 'Mizura' Adachi
Mubis: Samantha 'Samurai' Carotenuto
Theris: Stephen 'Shard-Spider' Lynch
Lion Warrior: 'El Flesh'
Leoos: David 'Shockdingo' Dixon
Abdullah: Delm 'whatocean' Lars
Shaba Ka: Bill 'Cowfoots' Young
Omar: Patrick 'emcgo'
Horoth: 'Rabids Squirrel'
Lion Queen: Melissa D. 'Mippa' Johnson
Oeton: Lawrence 'MasakoX' Simpson
Hassan: Joshua 'TomaMoto' Tomar
Captain: Caleb 'gamecheater2009' W.
Sailor: Nikolas 'Grandpa' Gray
Thud: Edwyn Tiong
Guard: David 'p3rfect' York
Priest: Morgan 'Mochan' Barnhart
Chariot Soldier:'Rabids Squirrel'
Sphinx: David 'p3rfect' York
Isis: April Sadowski
General: Christopher 'GeneralIvan' Guerrero
Osiris: Lawrence 'MasakoX' SimpsonAdditional Ambient Voices :Villager : Sophie Neveu
Warrior #1: Christopher 'GeneralIvan' Guerrero
Warrior #2: Trent I. 'PharaohZ' StanleyBig thanx to the Voiceactors for helping us with their magic!
Big thanx also to all others who helped and supported us!
Check the end credits in the movie for all names!Contact:The_Vandhaalwebsite: http://www.vandhaal.elpea.net/mirror website: http://www.vandhaal.gamingextremes.us/website/forum: http://www.vandhaal.gamingextremes.usM0nty_PythOnwebsiteforumFor all The Vandhaal released and or published stuff on AomH and the HG network and around theinternet counts:
The_Vandhaal Creative Commons licence
Music all rights reserved By Monty PythonAge of Mythology The Titans Feature lenght ( 130 minutes) movie: The Corruptor
sounds cool! will try it thx.
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