- You CAN swim
- Da Vincis workshop is in the game
- Locations include Saint Marks Basilica, The Grand Canal, The Little Canal, and the Rialto bridge.
- The game opens in 1476, Altair is from 1191
- So you do indeed play as a new ancestor of Altair / Desmond
-You will see the countryside of Tuscany
- The ''Auditore'' family is mentioned
- The main characters name is Ezio Auditore de Firenze
- He is a nobleman of Florence
- Big characters are in the game including Machiavelli, Caterina Sofrza, and Lorenzo de Medici
- YOU DO INDEED GLIDE on Da Vincis flying machine. (GLIDE, not FLY)
- Game will feature a new notoriety system that governs how enemy soldiers and people will treat you.
- You can disarm enemies and use their own weapons against them this time.
- Each weapon has a special move.
- 16 unique mission types.
- No more ease dropping or pick pocketing missions.
- If you get beat up to much you will need to see a street side doctor to regain full strength.
- Hidden objects (like flags in the first one) are there to uncover but this time if you track them down you will get in-game bonuses that make it worth your time.
- Items include, flags, statues, and gold coins and more that isnt mentioned.
- New enemy types with unique attitudes and weaknesses are present in the game. Archers are mentioned, as well as elite enemies, dagger wielders, ''Brutish'' armored troops with heavy armor and 2 handed swords and axes, and an intelligent halberd enemy will probe hiding places with their weapons if they think you're near by.
- While hiding in a hay bail you can assassinate people this time, but it may expose your position.
- You can still climb towers and ride horses
- The Lorendo de Medici assassination attempt is in the game.
- There is now a night and day sequence in the game.
- 240 people are working on this title.http://www.screwattack.com/HardNews/040909Also:
Crap I'm too hyped. If they actually are gonna do 16 different sidemissions and all those gadgets then the game will practically become free of all it's flaws...Assassin's Creed 2 info - awesome
Some of that sounds amazing, but '16 mission types' is concerning. That was the problem with the original AC. The console version had so many 'types' and it was ridiculously repetitive. They upped the number of mission types for the PC version and it was still ridiculously repetitive.
What they need to do is abandon the idea of 'types' and tailor each and every mission into a unique experience. Games like GTA and Mafia and plenty of others have been doing that for nearly a decade. Even though each mission in a GTA game falls into a particular archetype, each mission is specifically tailored, so that one, for example, fedex mission isn't the same as all the others.
I get the impression that AC will still have generic template missions that are all identical... they've just upped the number. That didn't work last time, should it work this time?
No mention of improved AI is concerning, seeing as how Altair was an unstoppable killing machine in the original, able to take on ten plus guys at once.
The rest sounds good. AC has tremendous potential, hope they don't squander it yet again.
[QUOTE=''parasitesingle'']Some of that sounds amazing, but '16 mission types' is concerning. That was the problem with the original AC. The console version had so many 'types' and it was ridiculously repetitive. They upped the number of mission types for the PC version and it was still ridiculously repetitive. What they need to do is abandon the idea of 'types' and tailor each and every mission into a unique experience. Games like GTA and Mafia and plenty of others have been doing that for nearly a decade. Even though each mission in a GTA game falls into a particular archetype, each mission is specifically tailored, so that one, for example, fedex mission isn't the same as all the others. I get the impression that AC will still have generic template missions that are all identical... they've just upped the number. That didn't work last time, should it work this time? again.[/QUOTE]4/8 versus 16. Of course it's better.But I liked eaves dropping and pickpocketing.
[QUOTE=''parasitesingle''] No mention of improved AI is concerning, seeing as how Altair was an unstoppable killing machine in the original, able to take on ten plus guys at once. [/QUOTE]''New enemy types with unique attitudes and weaknesses are present in the game. Archers are mentioned, as well as elite enemies, dagger wielders, ''Brutish'' armored troops with heavy armor and 2 handed swords and axes, and an intelligent halberd enemy will probe hiding places with their weapons if they think you're near by.''I guess that's all they tell so far :)
Sounds cool.
[QUOTE=''Baranga'']4/8 versus 16. Of course it's better.[/QUOTE]
No. It's more, not better. The PC version of AC proved that more isn't better. Take a pile of horse crap and add more onto it and you don't have a better pile, you have a bigger pile.
Each mission should be uniquely tailored and should be tied into the story, which should be much deeper than just killing a bunch of guys.
[QUOTE=''parasitesingle'']Some of that sounds amazing, but '16 mission types' is concerning. That was the problem with the original AC. The console version had so many 'types' and it was ridiculously repetitive. They upped the number of mission types for the PC version and it was still ridiculously repetitive.
What they need to do is abandon the idea of 'types' and tailor each and every mission into a unique experience. Games like GTA and Mafia and plenty of others have been doing that for nearly a decade. Even though each mission in a GTA game falls into a particular archetype, each mission is specifically tailored, so that one, for example, fedex mission isn't the same as all the others.
I get the impression that AC will still have generic template missions that are all identical... they've just upped the number. That didn't work last time, should it work this time?
No mention of improved AI is concerning, seeing as how Altair was an unstoppable killing machine in the original, able to take on ten plus guys at once.
The rest sounds good. AC has tremendous potential, hope they don't squander it yet again.[/QUOTE]
I agree .. For me it was not the number of missions that made me uninterested in the game but the structure of the game ... fulfill 4-5 lame missions and then the do something repeated ad nauseam. It seems like this one will follow the same game structure
Sounds repetitive to me.
[QUOTE=''Baranga'']Dammit that guy's hot :x[/QUOTE]I hope you are a girl. Cuz if not, You really need to play Tomb Raider! :shock:
Less repetitive... Less repetitive... Nope, can't find that statement.
[QUOTE=''parasitesingle''] No. It's more, not better. The PC version of AC proved that more isn't better. Take a pile of horse crap and add more onto it and you don't have a better pile, you have a bigger pile. Each mission should be uniquely tailored and should be tied into the story, which should be much deeper than just killing a bunch of guys.[/QUOTE]Two of the PC missions were variations of existing console missions, which is not unique.All the missions were tied into the story.I'll never understand why people hated sitting on a bench for 20 seconds and listening to a conversation that gave bits of information that *gasp* CAN be used to plan the assassination and details on the story.You are provided with plans, sketches and letters that explain ''things'' which you can use to your advantage. It's not Ubisoft's fault that gamers tank their way thorugh the guards and then pop up in front of the main target instead of stealthing their way using the info acquired in these missions.I take my time to explore the cities and the Kingdom, hunt Templars, find flags, listen to speeches etc. I enjoy the combat, it's very cinematic (how many of those that complain about the camera know that you can move it?) and the finishing moves are great. The cities are just as beautiful and detalied as Liberty City of GTA4, with a lot of recognizable landmarks. The game isn't a pile of horse crap, it's like jumping in the world of Kingdom of Heaven.I think most people that ''got bored after two hours'' should play the game. It sounds cheesy, but it really is an experience.I'm not talking about you in this post, I'm just generalizing.
I think the biggest complaint I saw was that the missions become repetitive and boring. I actually didn't understand this complaint at all until just the other day. I had gotten an early copy of the game just like everyone else in the media but I was just playing it for fun. I'd cracked into it over the weekend and when I got into the office on Monday I started seeing these negative reviews. When I saw the low scores I was actually really upset and I wanted to talk about the game here on the site. I wanted to tell everyone that these guys were full of **** However, since so many of the complaints were based on the ending I wanted to beat it first so I was sure I wasn't missing anything. I attacked the game again but this time with the goal of beating it as fast as I could. I was determined to get a post up on Tuesday and I was pushing through the game as fast as I could. I went from finding every high perch in a district to only getting the ones I needed to advance the story. I stopped saving every citizen and avoided any unnecessary confrontations. The informer missions that I had really enjoyed before, I now avoided because I knew they took too long to complete. I did the bare minimum of missions to progress the story and anything that ''hindered'' my progress was frustrating. Monday night after skipping over another combat (something I used to really enjoy) I stopped myself. What the **** was I doing? I wasn't playing the game because I wanted to I was playing it because I had a deadline and I needed to beat it. I stopped immediately and decided I'd write about the game whenever I got around to beating it. I spent another day and a half with it and during that time I hunted for hidden flags and explored the cities again. I came in this morning and finally did beat it but I did it at my own pace and I enjoyed every part of it.[QUOTE=''GPAddict'']I hope you are a girl. Cuz if not, You really need to play Tomb Raider! :shock:[/QUOTE]But I hate Tomb Raider:P And I don't like playing as a chick. I'd rather be a sexy Italian!
I agree with the Missions, they should be unique.So we still won't be able to use a Bow?...
[QUOTE=''bangell99'']Less repetitive... Less repetitive... Nope, can't find that statement.[/QUOTE]
No Cliffhanger... No Cliffhanger...
Its going to be awesome...
I cant wait to play.
[QUOTE=''parasitesingle'']Some of that sounds amazing, but '16 mission types' is concerning. That was the problem with the original AC. The console version had so many 'types' and it was ridiculously repetitive. They upped the number of mission types for the PC version and it was still ridiculously repetitive. What they need to do is abandon the idea of 'types' and tailor each and every mission into a unique experience. Games like GTA and Mafia and plenty of others have been doing that for nearly a decade. [/QUOTE]agree thats exactly what it needs, most of the list was just extra bells and whistles which you'd expect from a sequel.[QUOTE=''Baranga'']I'll never understand why people hated sitting on a bench for 20 seconds and listening to a conversation that gave bits of information that *gasp* CAN be used to plan the assassination and details on the story.You are provided with plans, sketches and letters that explain ''things'' which you can use to your advantage.I think most people that ''got bored after two hours'' should play the game. It sounds cheesy, but it really is an experience.[/QUOTE]it was just frustrating having to repeat the same dull thing time after time when there was so many other things that could have been done with such an amazing concept. i invested lots of time in the game, enjoyed the climbing, exploration, the gorgeous visuals, the atmosphere etc but still despite these things it felt like a wasted opportunity to do something really special.
[QUOTE=''Tuzolord'']I agree with the Missions, they should be unique.So we still won't be able to use a Bow?...[/QUOTE]I guess dual axes and medieval gliders beat that one :P
The combat was too simplistic.I used the same move over and over again - the counter move.That one move got me through the entire game. And before you say to me that I lack imagination... I don't lack imagination... I play games. The entire fun of a game is being challenged constantly. It's not my fault that the developer couldn't figure out how to improve the lackluster enemy A.I. It's not my fault that the combat is basically boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying this game on the PC, but it could have been so much more.Here's to hoping that AC 2 corrects the flaws of the first title. (I'm not holding my breath though)Just make the damned combat more engaging. I'd like to see something more along the lines of a Jade Empire honestly.
[QUOTE=''Baranga'']I'll never understand why people hated sitting on a bench for 20 seconds and listening to a conversation that gave bits of information that *gasp* CAN be used to plan the assassination and details on the story.[/quote]Because the standard had already been set ten years ago, and that standard is doing unique things in every mission. Sitting on a bench is fine -- once. After that, it becomes repetitive. After playing each mission once, where is the incentive to do it again? Imagine if a film just had the same fifteen shots playing on a loop. AC is the computer game equivalent.[quote=''Baranga'']It's not Ubisoft's fault that gamers tank their way thorugh the guards and then pop up in front of the main target instead of stealthing their way using the info acquired in these missions.[/quote]Uh, yeah it is. It's Ubisoft's fault for making that route such a viable option, unless you feel balanced gameplay is not the responsibility of the developer?[quote=''Baranga'']I take my time to explore the cities and the Kingdom, hunt Templars, find flags, listen to speeches etc.[/quote]Then you have a very high tolerance for shallow, repetitive tasks. After finding a few of each, I don't see any point in continuing. It's like reading the same few pages of a book over and over. Games based around shallow, repetitive tasks all but died out for a good reason.[quote=''Baranga'']I enjoy the combat, it's very cinematic (how many of those that complain about the camera know that you can move it?) and the finishing moves are great.[/quote]Do you mean the combat where Altair can take on a dozen guys at once because the AI is utterly broken? The combat that has all the complexity of a button mashing sidescroller from the early 90s, except of course that it's much easier?[quote=''Baranga'']The cities are just as beautiful and detalied as Liberty City of GTA4, with a lot of recognizable landmarks.[/quote]I agree. The game is spectacularly beautiful. The cities look amazing and Altair's animations are without equal. Style only takes a game so far, though. What Assassin's Creed lacks is substance. Assassin's Creed is virtually identical to Ultimate Spider-Man. Very stylish, very shallow fun that wears itself out long before the game is over.
Baranga, I Love you dude! Amazing game...
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