Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Old Republic, why have you forsaken me?

I want to say I mean no offense to people who love WoW or KOTOR, but I am quite dissapointed by the fact that this game is being made like KOTOR. I am what many people would call a twitchy gamer. But I also like realism, alot of realism. I love just about every Tom Clancy game. I love first person shooters, and I despise RPG's with auto attack/special attack system or whatever its called. Despite all of that, I played WoW for almost 2 years, but more for friends that the game itself. In that time I learned to hate any game where time played is rewarded to the point where if you don't have time to play alot, your screwed. In other words, gear. In the Old Republic MMO, you try to play without much time to get gear, you WILL be punished by getting your ass kicked by some leet speaking 12 year old over and over again, its a fact of life. I hoped for the ability to aim my own blaster, swing my own lightsaber, control my blocks. Because I know, that same 12 year old would be sent home crying to his mother if I could. This was a battle between the shooters and the rpg'ers. I guess the shooters lost, prolly because the rpg'ers are more willing to pay a monthly fee./end rantOld Republic, why have you forsaken me?
It would make sense for TOR to use a system similar to KOTORs. Go play Mass Effect if you want a real time rpg.Old Republic, why have you forsaken me?
[QUOTE=''Orcishman05'']I want to say I mean no offense to people who love WoW or KOTOR, but I am quite dissapointed by the fact that this game is being made like KOTOR. I am what many people would call a twitchy gamer. But I also like realism, alot of realism. I love just about every Tom Clancy game. I love first person shooters, and I despise RPG's with auto attack/special attack system or whatever its called. Despite all of that, I played WoW for almost 2 years, but more for friends that the game itself. In that time I learned to hate any game where time played is rewarded to the point where if you don't have time to play alot, your screwed. In other words, gear. In the Old Republic MMO, you try to play without much time to get gear, you WILL be punished by getting your ass kicked by some leet speaking 12 year old over and over again, its a fact of life. I hoped for the ability to aim my own blaster, swing my own lightsaber, control my blocks. Because I know, that same 12 year old would be sent home crying to his mother if I could. This was a battle between the shooters and the rpg'ers. I guess the shooters lost, prolly because the rpg'ers are more willing to pay a monthly fee./end rant[/QUOTE] Me too but KOTOR fighting sucks dick. Too bad they don't realize they should try good combat and a good story not **** combat good story... :(
Mass Effect? Meh...How about like Jedi Outcast? That sounds way better.
[QUOTE=''Orcishman05'']But I also like realism, alot of realism. I love just about every Tom Clancy game.[/QUOTE]it was extremely difficult to keep reading after this considering there hasnt been a dose of realism to a Tom Clancy game since the older Rainbow Six games, and those stopped about seven years ago iirc. I mean no offense; its just difficult to consider any of the Ghose Recon, Vegas, Splinter Cell, or Endwar games realistic.With that said, I can empathize. While I love KOTOR and RPGs of that nature, I also love shooters...especially Star Wars shooters. I think Old Republic would have made an excellent MMOFPS. In addition, there are just not enough MMOFPSs out there and lord knows the MMO genre needs development in that field. Tabula Rasa was a good attempt, but failed (hence the shutdown), and Planetside just doesnt cut it for most folks.However, I think it will be an equally great MMORPG.
The Tom Clancy thing aside. I think the reason the don't make more MMOFPS's is because its a risk and all they want is your money, they don't give a damn what you, as the player want. Haha, which is funny cuz they would argue that to the death, but never deliver!
[QUOTE=''Orcishman05'']The Tom Clancy thing aside. I think the reason the don't make more MMOFPS's is because its a risk and all they want is your money, they don't give a damn what you, as the player want. Haha, which is funny cuz they would argue that to the death, but never deliver![/QUOTE]Oh I dont know about that. I think WoW is a perfect example. While its certainly not the most complex MMO out there, it is definately what the player wants and the evidence of 10+ million subscribers proves that imo (numbers gotta count for something after all, albeit not everything). They do listen to players.I see no reason why an MMOFPS cant cater to the custoemr the same way.The only issue, at least from my perspective, is to give players a reason to pay for what is currently free. I can play 64 player games of Battlefield, Counterstrike, Starsiege Tribes, and 150 player games of Joint Operations.Why would we pay for something similiar in terms of monthly fees? I dont know, but if they give me a good enough of a reason I would be more than happy to do so. Frequent updates, stable server, character building, good questing and group ''dungeons'', and excellent PvP would be good reasons.The same ol' team deathmatch, as found in current free to play online FPSs, is not good enough however to warrent a monthly fee.
[QUOTE=''Orcishman05'']I want to say I mean no offense to people who love WoW or KOTOR, but I am quite dissapointed by the fact that this game is being made like KOTOR. I am what many people would call a twitchy gamer. But I also like realism, alot of realism. I love just about every Tom Clancy game. I love first person shooters, and I despise RPG's with auto attack/special attack system or whatever its called. Despite all of that, I played WoW for almost 2 years, but more for friends that the game itself. In that time I learned to hate any game where time played is rewarded to the point where if you don't have time to play alot, your screwed. In other words, gear. In the Old Republic MMO, you try to play without much time to get gear, you WILL be punished by getting your ass kicked by some leet speaking 12 year old over and over again, its a fact of life. I hoped for the ability to aim my own blaster, swing my own lightsaber, control my blocks. Because I know, that same 12 year old would be sent home crying to his mother if I could. This was a battle between the shooters and the rpg'ers. I guess the shooters lost, prolly because the rpg'ers are more willing to pay a monthly fee./end rant[/QUOTE]Seems to be an odd thing to get frustrated about. I can appreciate that RPG's and/or MMO's are not your thing. But what would you expect a KORTOR MMO to be?! To Make a Kortor based MMO into a FPS based title would be like making a new counter strike into a turnbased RPG.The KOTOR games have always been RPG centric games. It has always been level and class based and centered on hit rolls as opposed to twitch skills. I'm not saying an FPS based Star Wars MMO would be bad, but then it should be build on the foundations of KOTOR.
Old Republic sucks because it's an MMO, not because it's an RPG. Lucasarts sucks hard too.
''But I also like realism, alot of realism''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''I despise RPG's with auto attack/special attack system''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''hate any game where time played is rewarded to the point where if you don't have time to play alot, your screwed''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''I guess the shooters lost, prolly because the rpg'ers are more willing to pay a monthly fee''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
[QUOTE=''F1_2004'']''But I also like realism, alot of realism''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''I despise RPG's with auto attack/special attack system''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''hate any game where time played is rewarded to the point where if you don't have time to play alot, your screwed''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''I guess the shooters lost, prolly because the rpg'ers are more willing to pay a monthly fee''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=''F1_2004'']''But I also like realism, alot of realism''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''I despise RPG's with auto attack/special attack system''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''hate any game where time played is rewarded to the point where if you don't have time to play alot, your screwed''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''''I guess the shooters lost, prolly because the rpg'ers are more willing to pay a monthly fee''''...I played WoW for almost 2 years''hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...[/QUOTE]It was addicting! What can I say? I hate the game with a passion now. In fact, I hated it 1 day after I stopped playing and couldn't figure out why I had played it for so long.And, this isnt KOTOR online, its a Star Wars MMO, thats why I don't like that is like KOTOR.

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