Thursday, April 15, 2010

Graphical Issues with Dark Messiah

Hey guys, I recently got Dark Messiah with the Ubisoft Classic Pack, and so far, I'm loving it! However, I'm having a few graphical issues which are preventing me from fully enjoying the game. I am getting frequent FPS drops, and it doesn't seem to be my hardware thats causing it. My specs are well beyond the recommended requirements, we are talking quadruple the recommended requirements here. Whenever I go to a new area, the FPS starts out at around 60 fps, even higher in some spots, but the more I play, the more the FPS deteriorates, even when I am in areas that are not particularly fps intensive. I have never had any sort of lag issues with any other source engine games. I also noticed that if I change the graphics settings, and by that I mean raising or lowering them, the fps goes back to 60 or so and then starts dropping again. The FPS also resets itself after it loads up a new area.Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated, this game is awesome but It's way too frustrating to play with the framerate drops.Thanks in advance,
NedGraphical Issues with Dark Messiah
I am having the EXACT same problem and am trying to fix it. In addition, I am getting horrible FPS drops while playing Beyond Good and Evil. They were so bad that I uninstalled it. If Far Cry has the same problems, I'm going to try and get my money back from Ubisoft; releasing a collection of games that proceed to lag like crazy is unacceptable in my opinion.Graphical Issues with Dark Messiah
[QUOTE=''kittyboymaxj'']I am having the EXACT same problem and am trying to fix it. In addition, I am getting horrible FPS drops while playing Beyond Good and Evil. They were so bad that I uninstalled it. If Far Cry has the same problems, I'm going to try and get my money back from Ubisoft; releasing a collection of games that proceed to lag like crazy is unacceptable in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

i get no lag in beyond good and evil, but i have a horrible visual issue

its like a lot of text and objects (like everything in the pause menu) rips or something when things move, its really weird. i've tried compatibiltiy mode, but that didn't fix anything

far cry 1 is giving me no troubles, but i think a lot of sprites appear way to close to me, but that might just be because the game is old
Just downloaded updated video drivers. As far as I can tell they had no impact whatsoever. I'm really fed up and probably going to shelve these games. Way to fail yet again, Ubisoft. And here I was hoping this pack would be a good way to play stuff I'd missed... Sorely mistaken.
I have the same issue. It's definitely a Video Memory leak. I've looked all of the forums and there's no solution to this issue. If you find one, will you let me know?Right now I'm just doing a work around where you save/load the game every few minutes. The problem is, that it gets worse as you reach the end of the game. Around chapter 6 and 7 I'm loading every 50seconds, which is just unbearable.
I have tried doing what you said (save/reload every so often) and even with all the settings as low as possible, it starts lagging after as little as 10 seconds and i have to reload within a minute or so... and I'm on Chapter 3 or 4. This is ridiculous. Yeah, if you find something, let me know here. I'll do the same.
I don't have this issue. Is it a problem with Nvidia cards?
Well I've got an NVidia card, so perhaps... Latest drivers didn't do squat for it though. Hopefully someone out there finds a fix, although it seems this game has had a lot of bugginess in the past so I won't be surprised if it's never dealt with, or can't be.
I remember this problem from the retail version of DM but it should be all fixed now.
[QUOTE=''RK-Mara'']I remember this problem from the retail version of DM but it should be all fixed now.[/QUOTE]

Nah, it's still there. Steam should have updated my game and I tried installing 1.02 manually, but it gave me an error. it could be that steam stores most of DMs files in .ncf... but I'd have no idea how to test that without purchasing a boxed version.

If anyone has both the boxed and the steam version, they could test it.
I may have found a solutioncheck out =49= on this postit basicly says type in launch options '-heapsize 1048576'
i tried this fix and it APPEARED to work, but unfortunately, after a few blissful minutes with no lag, the slowdown started up again... a pity.
[QUOTE=''kittyboymaxj'']i tried this fix and it APPEARED to work, but unfortunately, after a few blissful minutes with no lag, the slowdown started up again... a pity.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same here.
I played it when it first came out with a 8800gts (320) and didn't have this issue...I also played it on both the STEAM and retail versions.
Anyone find anything yet? I've been searching all over for some sort of fix...
Exact same issue with me, nothing seems to work though....then again every ubisoft port is horrible and never optimized I dare someone to find a good one :P
How low of a framerate are we talking about here? My specs also well exceed the requirements, but I was unable to play the game with all high settings. It worked for a bit, but some areas were just too choppy, so I had to turn a lot of stuff down to medium. It's smooth now, and doesn't deteriorate over time or anything. Just wondering what settings you have tried, or if this issue is completely separate from graphics settings :)
Its the textures...drop them to medium and lose the lag.
[QUOTE=''jmic75'']Exact same issue with me, nothing seems to work though....then again every ubisoft port is horrible and never optimized I dare someone to find a good one :P[/QUOTE]

Gimme mha cookies ;), Prince of Persia games, Dark Messiah (yeah no issues here), Assassin's Creed, HAWX, and it goes on ;).

None of this are horrible ports, if you say one of them sucks, that's because it sucks for you, but not being as good as one expects doesn't make it a bad port, also I didn't have any issues with DM on a 6600GT, Pentium IV 2.2ghz, 512 RAM, and I certainly didn't have any with the Steam version that has a few patches and I play it on a way better PC.

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