ive played pc games for a while but its only been hl hl2 and hlmods. what are some fps games you recommend i should play? i cant play bioshock cause my computer isnt good enough but any classics that you think id enjoy?classic fps games
since this thread pretty much already exists a few pages back right now, i'll just copy my response from earlier today:here's some you should check out (everything on this list should run fine on a machine that can run hl2, though you may struggle with bioshock and s.t.a.l.k.e.r):half life - a great action scifi shooter with pretty awesome (at the time) ai, smooth combat with enemies that are just cool, and a lot of great cinematic-style (compared with the standards of the time) momentshalf life 2 - a game which transends the genre 'fps', the actual shooting of it is almost incidental, this is a game where instead of just your location and enemies changing as you progress, the entire focus of gameplay changes, you're never doing the same thing too long, so it never stagnates - focus is not on gunplay as much as traditional fps gamesescape from butcher bay - easily amongst the greatest games ever made, it merges many forms of gameplay (from shooting to stealthing to fisticuffs to roleplaying) into one neat package, and it handles every moment perfectly - another game which transcends the mere label 'fps'call of duty 1 %26 2 - i have not played 1, but i include it because the general consensus is it is better than 2, but i love 2! the games are high action ww2 run n gunnery with lots of enemies, and lots of ai allies, you almost never feel like a one man army, you're a cog in a machine - and that is more refreshing, and more awesome, than you can imagine before playing itsystem shock 2 - a masterpiece that everyone must play.bioshock - an inferior (though still great) update of system shock 2, retaining many of the elements that made shock 2 awesome, improving some, destroying some othersf.e.a.r - simply the best firefights you can have in a computer game, great visuals, the best ai ever, and slow motionalien vs predator - if you love the aliens and/or predator franchise, you'll love this game - it's essentially a run n gun, stealther and horror game all rolled up into three awesome campaignsno one lives forever -a very cool and often surprisingly funny first person shooterdoom compilation (ultimate doom/doom2/final doom)- set it to ultraviolence, grab your shotgun and rock, amongst the best games ever madeoperation flashpoint - a very realistic (for the standards of the time) first person shooters.t.a.l.k.e.r - rough around the edges, but a magnificent experience on the whole - some poor execution, but some brilliant ideasrainbow six/rogue spear - the original rainbow six game %26 sequel, back then the games were more about planning than running %26 gunning, it may not appeal to the traditional fps player, but they are archetypal pc games the likes of which we may never see againdeus ex - i personally hate this game, but i acknowledge it as a great achievement... try it, if you don't enjoy it, you lose a couple bucks, if you love it, it'll change your lifethief 1 %26 2 - two games i also don't like, but they are super original and very cool stealth fps gamesfarcry - another game i don't like, but it's legally free now (it is so long since developers did this, it's almost confusing to have free games again), free = greaticonsider all of theseutterly essential to any person who considers him or herself a fps fanclassic fps games
Call of DutyQuake 4Doom 3FEARMax Payne 2 (even though its a third person shooter)Halo.List your PC specs as well so it gives us more of an idea what you can play.
the computer i game on is a labtop. i recently bought it and it runs hl2 really well. i can put all the settings on high and still get 100fps. i doubt id be able to play bioshock though. i plan on checking out system shock2 first. although when i play quake4 online my fps drops to really low numbers. is there a way i could change the graphics settings to make them less pretty but run better?
Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament 2003, Unreal Tournament 2004.. and comin out soon, Unreal tournment 2
and no counterstrike tisk tisk
[QUOTE=''Sup11722'']and no counterstrike tisk tisk[/QUOTE] lol i played counter-strike for like 5 years straight since 1.3 to source. source isnt much fun tho 1.6 was awesome to play in leagues.
this game !! http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25903800
Unreal 2004, F.E.A.R, Doom 3, Soldier of Fortune, Counter Strike 1.6 or Source.Hope I helped, gg.
Deus Ex -- simply hit all the gameplay points just right. Has about everything...biological/techological/futuristic.COD2 -- Not a bad WWII shooter.Day of Defeat -- this is like COD2 but a stragedy game. Had some of the most fun online playing in that game, especially with snipering and how smoke is used as a cover (not seen it used like that in any other game!). If you like CS:S, DoD will be right up your alley.
why don't you get dosbox and play some 90's fps games. fpsdungeon.com has alot of these games, not sure if you can download them tho but you can view the screenshots.
Please stop digging up really old threads. This one is almost two years old now. If you want to alert people to your linked site, make a new thread instead of digging up really old threads.
[QUOTE=''mfsa'']since this thread pretty much already exists a few pages back right now, i'll just copy my response from earlier today:here's some you should check out (everything on this list should run fine on a machine that can run hl2, though you may struggle with bioshock and s.t.a.l.k.e.r):half life - a great action scifi shooter with pretty awesome (at the time) ai, smooth combat with enemies that are just cool, and a lot of great cinematic-style (compared with the standards of the time) momentshalf life 2 - a game which transends the genre 'fps', the actual shooting of it is almost incidental, this is a game where instead of just your location and enemies changing as you progress, the entire focus of gameplay changes, you're never doing the same thing too long, so it never stagnates - focus is not on gunplay as much as traditional fps gamesescape from butcher bay - easily amongst the greatest games ever made, it merges many forms of gameplay (from shooting to stealthing to fisticuffs to roleplaying) into one neat package, and it handles every moment perfectly - another game which transcends the mere label 'fps'call of duty 1 %26 2 - i have not played 1, but i include it because the general consensus is it is better than 2, but i love 2! the games are high action ww2 run n gunnery with lots of enemies, and lots of ai allies, you almost never feel like a one man army, you're a cog in a machine - and that is more refreshing, and more awesome, than you can imagine before playing itsystem shock 2 - a masterpiece that everyone must play.bioshock - an inferior (though still great) update of system shock 2, retaining many of the elements that made shock 2 awesome, improving some, destroying some othersf.e.a.r - simply the best firefights you can have in a computer game, great visuals, the best ai ever, and slow motionalien vs predator - if you love the aliens and/or predator franchise, you'll love this game - it's essentially a run n gun, stealther and horror game all rolled up into three awesome campaignsno one lives forever -a very cool and often surprisingly funny first person shooterdoom compilation (ultimate doom/doom2/final doom)- set it to ultraviolence, grab your shotgun and rock, amongst the best games ever madeoperation flashpoint - a very realistic (for the standards of the time) first person shooters.t.a.l.k.e.r - rough around the edges, but a magnificent experience on the whole - some poor execution, but some brilliant ideasrainbow six/rogue spear - the original rainbow six game %26 sequel, back then the games were more about planning than running %26 gunning, it may not appeal to the traditional fps player, but they are archetypal pc games the likes of which we may never see againdeus ex - i personally hate this game, but i acknowledge it as a great achievement... try it, if you don't enjoy it, you lose a couple bucks, if you love it, it'll change your lifethief 1 %26 2 - two games i also don't like, but they are super original and very cool stealth fps gamesfarcry - another game i don't like, but it's legally free now (it is so long since developers did this, it's almost confusing to have free games again), free = greaticonsider all of theseutterly essential to any person who considers him or herself a fps fan[/QUOTE]
consider this my quote - minus the spelling and grammar mistakes!
painkiller - people can fly proove that you dont need a history and a huge budget to make great games as it servers a healthy dose of the three D's to its player (death, demise, and destruction).battlefield 2battlefield 2142time splitters 1, 2, and future perfectjust to top up that list above. as nothing is complete without them :D
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