Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Counter STrike Source questions.

Im thinking about buying CS:S. Is it anything like the gameplay in counter strike for the xbox? Also, if there are any good FPS out there, please suggest them. Also, im a fan on good online playCounter STrike Source questions.
It's just like Counter Strike but nothing like a console shooter. It's well worth the price and the best online game there is IMO. Though you should also look at TF2, alot of people say it's the best there is but i'm not much of a fan of it.Counter STrike Source questions.
CSS is 10x better than the xbox version.I beleive the xbox version was still based around 1.6CSS is just a graphically beefed version on 1.6, with the worst hitboxes in online fps history.I personally had more good times in 1.5/1.6 and early stages of CSS.I dont play CSS for the fact that people hack all the time, the hitboxes are rediculously bad, and the game is just plain old these day.Been playing cs since 1.3, it might be old and repetitive and boring to me, but i suggest that you pick it up. You most likely wont be dissapointed, its aot of fun.
CS:S Is good, it's not noob friendly, but if you stick with it long enough you will get better. I don't know it being on Xbox, but if it is, the PC version would be worlds apart from it, I can't see a game like CS being even awkward on Xbox, it just doesn't work, so if you enjoyed it on Xbox I doubt you will on PC.

Other great games, that are also way better on PC are:

TF 2

CoD 4

Day of Defeat Source
Pick it up!!! Counterstrike Source is alot better then counterstrike on xbox! I own both and its nto even close bud, Counterstrike Source looks alot better and plays ebtter, not to mention more levels and tons of user mad mods,etc...Plus Counterstrike Source is so cheap! hehe.You might recognize some of the levels and gameplay, but Source is like a whole new game when compared to the old xbox version of the old counterstrike.
The Hitboxes is only for the Elitist 1.6 players.

IF takes to to get used to, as do most games that have been awhile online.

Also try Battlefield if you like larger maps.
I do suggest you getting the game. It has one of the largest active communities, and there are fun things to do other than plant bombs. Two to mention are the Zombie Mods and Surfing Mods. It's a really fun game.
Rast, are yout talking about battlefield 2?
Counterstrike Source is hands down the best online fps at the moment. The game is definately not friendly to new players but it is extremely rewarding when you play well. Playing with a keyboard and mouse is such a better way to play than the xbox. There are occasionally registration issues, but far less than in a game like Call of Duty 4 or especially World at War. Most of these issues come from cheap servers though, so if you find a good clan just stick with them. Also as your first tip, don't use the P90, lots of beginners do and they never really understand how the game is meant to be played. Good luck and have fun :)
Well if the basics are the same I would do ok from the start. Things like you need to control your bursts, if you croutch, your more accurate, things like that.. those i learned from the xbox version...
Yes those are very important, I playedcounterstrikeon the xbox as well and while the guns and mechanics are the same the shoddy controls make it a totally different game.Also remember you are going to be playing against people who have been playing this game for a very long time and WILL be much better than you.I don't mean that to be discouraging, rather that one day you will be at their level and its a goal to keep striving for. My clan has a pub server at come visit sometime.
Get TF2.:D
id like to note cs 1.6 has fewer maps then CSS and its layouts for those maps is different id also like to note more mods for CSS than 1.6
[QUOTE=''pinkpenguin4a5a'']Yes those are very important, I playedcounterstrikeon the xbox as well and while the guns and mechanics are the same the shoddy controls make it a totally different game.Also remember you are going to be playing against people who have been playing this game for a very long time and WILL be much better than you.I don't mean that to be discouraging, rather that one day you will be at their level and its a goal to keep striving for. My clan has a pub server at come visit sometime.[/QUOTE]Will do.. perhaps you can give me some pointers.. Ok. So im about to go to walmart to buy CS:S and Battlefield 2. Can someone provide the patches ill need for online play? I dont know which to get.... I never do.. Also, whats this talk about 1.6?
cs 1.6 is a mod for half life that is the origional counter strike. it was later rereleased officially and then had 2 updated editions counter strike: condition zero and counter strike: opposing forces?(not sure on number 2) then came cs:s which is what most people recognize its also the edition of play used for purepwnage and most fps tournaments. argueably it does nothing but change the graphics engine but it did alot of aesthetic improvements over cs 1.6 and also delt without alot of hacking and botting issues.
[QUOTE=''pinkpenguin4a5a'']Counterstrike Source is hands down the best online fps at the moment. The game is definately not friendly to new players but it is extremely rewarding when you play well. Playing with a keyboard and mouse is such a better way to play than the xbox. There are occasionally registration issues, but far less than in a game like Call of Duty 4 or especially World at War. Most of these issues come from cheap servers though, so if you find a good clan just stick with them. Also as your first tip, don't use the P90, lots of beginners do and they never really understand how the game is meant to be played. Good luck and have fun :)[/QUOTE]

Good post.
the main differences between css and 1.6 (since you asked) is that 1.6 is somewhat more hardcore, it is a bit slower, and has smaller hitboxes.Due to the engine change, some things are different in css, the hitboxes are bigger, and thus the shotguns are ALOT more lethal, also the coding for the armor seems different, as it seems that there is a higher chance of surviving a headdie, by deflection (you will not be in doubt when that happens)the gamepace is a tad faster, and the weapons are ''slightly'' easier to use, and overall more deadly, to be honest the awp is css is far less the ''ultimate'' weapon in css as it is in 1.6, sure it does the damage, but since everyone is faster (and the fact that some weapons suffers far less from strafing, like the scout) it is not that much of an owenage weapon.The semis are broken tho, and often restricted because thier high rate of fire+ effectiveness while walkingTruth be told css reminds alot more of the older cs b4.3-5.3 era cs versions, that were faster paced, and more random (just not the imba m4 with scope)I am fairly certain tho that if you go out and buy css, you will get dod with it for free, and that too is a mighty nice shooter, altho alot more hardcore then any of the cs games (as in all rifles kill on 1-2 shots)What I like about the cs games, is that unlike BF2 it is alot less random, spent 2 years on BF 2 and sometimes the game would not cause you to hit your opponant, due to its ''cone'' way of aiming and fireing (as in the longer you aim on a person the smaller the cone becomes untill you can get a good shot) in css it is more about knowing the gun youre using. Apart from that BF2 is really fun, if they just opted for a different hit detection and bullet paddern it would be my favorite by far.
I would also recommend BF2. I think that game is more noob friendly. But if you get in a good squad that works together it can also be a lot of fun. CSS is pretty fun too. I'm not all that great at it but it's still fun to play from time to time plus some of the mods are just awesome. Either way you can't go wrong.
I got both. anywyas.i was playing bf 2 and on my notebook how do i change the refresh rate? If i cannot, i must play on a different monitor
i suggest Day of Defeat: Source.Nuff said

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