Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I (still) seriously hate Far Cry.

At first glance, I'm sure this topic seems a little outdated, but I just bought the Ubisoft Classic Pack on Steam, which includes Far Cry. This is the third or fourth time I've tried to replay this hunk of junkware, and I still can't for the life of me figure out how anybody enjoyed it, let alone how it received such high marks from reviewers. Seriously, I think Far Cry is the most annoying game I've ever played.

People often praised the game for its enemies' outstanding AI, and to be honest, I just don't see it. I've had enemies tracking my movements and shooting me through walls, sneaking around in the open after I'd shot them, running right past me without spotting me, and losing track of me altogether simply because I closed a door on them. The worst case, and the real poop de gras, was during the mercs vs. trigen battle in the level ''Control,'' where the soldier manning the minigun decided to turn his attention away from the oncoming horde of vicious mutants and concentrate fire on me instead. Good thinking, doofus, now we're both dead.

Of course, the real issue is the game's punishing difficulty, which is the reason why I'm surprised so many people enjoyed it. And it's not just the trigens, it's the human enemies too. I understand that in the real world, body armor can be a life saver, but even in a video game, enemies that can shrug off half a dozen assault rifle rounds to the face is utterly ridiculous. Having to take on handfuls of these guys in narrow hallways doesn't really thrill me either. Whatever Far Cry gets right, which I'll admit, is a fair amount, it all goes right out the window because even on ''Medium'', the game is just way too hard. The unfriendly checkpoint save system is a nice foot to the groin too.

What's the deal here? Is there some kind of super strategy that makes the game easier or more enjoyable? Are people just masochists? I'm not exactly new to first-person shooters, and I did manage to burn through the first half of Far Cry in about four hours this time around, but it's still just so friggin' annoying! I mean, seriously, I'm not just bashing the game here, I really want to know, from all the die-hard Far Cry fans out there, what made the game so enjoyable for you? What, in your eyes, makes Far Cry worthy of all the praise? Can I get a hit of that?

I'm going back to Beyond Good %26 Evil for now. I need a break from being shot in the face.I (still) seriously hate Far Cry.
[QUOTE=''JN_Fenrir'']At first glance, I'm sure this topic seems a little outdated, but I just bought the Ubisoft Classic Pack on Steam, which includes Far Cry. This is the third or fourth time I've tried to replay this hunk of junkware, and I still can't for the life of me figure out how anybody enjoyed it, let alone how it received such high marks from reviewers. Seriously, I think Far Cry is the most annoying game I've ever played.


It was a groundbreaking game at the time, not just a piperunner game like the rest of them, like the games we STILL TODAY see.


People often praised the game for its enemies' outstanding AI, and to be honest, I just don't see it. I've had enemies tracking my movements and shooting me through walls, sneaking around in the open after I'd shot them, running right past me without spotting me, and losing track of me altogether simply because I closed a door on them. The worst case, and the real poop de gras, was during the mercs vs. trigen battle in the level ''Control,'' where the soldier manning the minigun decided to turn his attention away from the oncoming horde of vicious mutants and concentrate fire on me instead. Good thinking, doofus, now we're both dead.


You're just looking at the games bad sides. They were MUCH better than anything else on the market.


Of course, the real issue is the game's punishing difficulty, which is the reason why I'm surprised so many people enjoyed it. And it's not just the trigens, it's the human enemies too. I understand that in the real world, body armor can be a life saver, but even in a video game, enemies that can shrug off half a dozen assault rifle rounds to the face is utterly ridiculous. Having to take on handfuls of these guys in narrow hallways doesn't really thrill me either. Whatever Far Cry gets right, which I'll admit, is a fair amount, it all goes right out the window because even on ''Medium'', the game is just way too hard. The unfriendly checkpoint save system is a nice foot to the groin too.


Don't punish the game because you don't have the skills/patience to play the game.


What's the deal here? Is there some kind of super strategy that makes the game easier or more enjoyable? Are people just masochists? I'm not exactly new to first-person shooters, and I did manage to burn through the first half of Far Cry in about four hours this time around, but it's still just so friggin' annoying! I mean, seriously, I'm not just bashing the game here, I really want to know, from all the die-hard Far Cry fans out there, what made the game so enjoyable for you? What, in your eyes, makes Far Cry worthy of all the praise? Can I get a hit of that?


Sneaking is the way to go. Also AIM FOR THE HEAD. Nostalgia is an important factor. If you didin't like it ''back then'', you won't like it now.


I'm going back to Beyond Good %26 Evil for now. I need a break from being shot in the face.[/QUOTE]I (still) seriously hate Far Cry.
I loved Far Cry. One of my favourite games of all time.Anyways, the game was released over 5 years ago. What do you expect in terms of AI? It was pretty good for its time, that's all I can say. Besides, even Crysis' AI has its problems.Too difficult? Play it on easy.
I should clarify something real quick. I played and beat Far Cry when it was first released. I'm not comparing it to current titles here, I'm saying that it frustrates me as much now as it did back then. Not that I'm not enjoying playing through it, but it does surprise me that what I believe to be a very frustrating game was so highly regarded by so many people.

Sorry, I should have made that more clear in my original post.
nobody is making you play it, I don't see why you would try to play a game you don't like.
Far Cry is easily one of the best games I played. I am not just saying that because everyone else is.Of course, the game is hard, but if you were to play it on Easy setting, you should be fine, and probably will enjoy it more.As for the AI, its not as if it is a whole lot better now. AI is very hard to program, and I will not let a few quirks bother me too much, just as long as they don't make the game frustrating, such as in a scripted sequence you depend on the NPC to do something, and the said NPC will not do it, and the game does not progress. Such instances of bad AI bother me.Of course, the checkpoint system can be a little daunting to some, but you can always use the commandos for quick save and quick load. That's not an issue either.Or maybe its just one of those games you don't like. That's very normal.
Far Cry may not look like much of a game now but in its day it was very new and different. I agree the trigens are bs and the game can be ridiculously unfair at times but most of the time you can get through it if you just play patiently and plan ahead.Tips:-Hide in the bushes. Seriously, just crouch in one and stay there while you pick off enemies. 90% of the time they won't spot you unless they are standing right in front of you. You have to use your head though - don't do it when a whole bunch of them are looking in your direction and try to use silenced weapons.-Whenever you can, use the draw distance to your advantage i.e. use your binoculars to spot enemies, then they will be marked on your radar (good if they scatter).-Take down enemies from a distance using sniper rifle or any scoped weapon.-In close quarters, the age-old tactic of hiding around a corner with a shotgun still holds up-Don't run %26 gun unless you have a vehicle. Even then, it's probably suicide.-If you use something like the assault rifle, switch the fire mode so you shoot one bullet at a time and aim for the head. It will make less noise and will force you to be more accurate with your shots. Early in the game you definitely can take down any human enemies with one or two head shots.
Far Cry is a fantastic game - not only is the SP campaign very high quality, but there's loads of great modmaps availablethe only two things that i didn't like about it were the chckpoint system (solved by the freely available cheat that lets you save whenever you want) and the behaviour of Val, who starts shooting when you're trying to creep up on the enemy.it's true it's quite difficult, but ok once you get used to it - i realised how tricky it was after i'd been playing it with the modmaps for a couple of months lately, then went and played the original FEAR on highest difficulty - even without using the slow-mo i found it relatively easybut it's basically a c_l_a_s_s_i_c
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Far Cry was a blast bro. Wasone of thefirst games to have that huge open world and many different ways to complete your tasks. Ive beaten this game many many times over. All these issues that you seem to be haveing with the game is prolly just due to the difficulty beings to high for you bud.Honestly when i first looked at this thread i thought you were talking about Far Cry 2. Which you would have been right on point with. But Far Cry being about 6 years old now, its still good in comparison to the second one. The second one is a HORRIBLE game, not the first one.
They shoot through the walls because it has bullet penetration for some of the wooden structures and for the tents.
Punishing difficulty?The game was certainly challenging - especially in the later levels versus those freaking rocket-launcher trigens - but punishing?Eh..
I agree. Overrated game overrall.Stealth was impossible at times and not really rewarding most of the time.Very hard difficultySome bugs here and theirNewer enemys aren't as fun as older ones.
Just let it go man!
Far Cry is an awesome game!
It's a game that can really get under your skin, and the game still does have issues that hurt the experience. But that said, I still had a blast playing it on Veteran (which took almost 3 months to finish). My biggest problem with the game is that it's too long. It seems that it's all dragged out and it's definitely a game you wouldn't want to play again on a tougher difficulty.

Your criticisms are understandable. Crytek really made some stupid choices on the design.
It's one the Best games ever, even tho at times it can be a humbling experience. The best tip I can give you is that the rocks you carry...is one the most important items in your inventory.
i found it very frustrating on harder difficulty levels tbh, great game for its time though, still go back to it occasionally
[QUOTE=''--Anna--'']It's one the Best games ever, even tho at times it can be a humbling experience. The best tip I can give you is that the rocks you carry...is one the most important items in your inventory.[/QUOTE]agreed, though TBH i've never made enough use of the rock really, i think i prefer just trying to shoot my way through too much!
I tried Far Cry a while ago on Gametap, played about 5 hours in, then quit. It's a ridiculously hard game, even on the easier settings. It's even harder than stalker, I think. On top of that, the story was lackluster and the voice acting was simply god-awful. Overrated, if you ask me.
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