What in your opinion is the best RPG? Many articles, websites, blogs, and industry insiders have written about their favorites. But I'd like to know your favorite(s) etc. RPG's I( have played:Deus Ex (yes, it is an RPG told from a FPS view)Baldurs Gate (have not even close to finishing it)Neverwinter NightsMorrowindWhat RPG(s) do you like?
Bloodlines.What RPG(s) do you like?
oblivion was really good
The real Fallouts (1%262)Wizardry 8ArcanumUltima seriesPlanescape TormentBaldur's Gate 1 %26 2Might and Magic (VI %26 VII)Temple of Elemental Evil (patched)Bloodlines (patched)WastelandEtc, etc, etc,
1. Diablo II (The Grandfather of my RPG experience!! This is the first Action oriented RPG I've ever played)
2. Fable: The Lost Chapters (The Combat system is impressive so lock-on systems are either useful or not...I think its better than GTA)
4. All Summon Night GBA Games (Craftknights forever dude!!)
5. Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 (Its like Soul Calibur and Ragnarok combined)
6. KotoR (Its OK, but it was not as epic as I wanted it to be)
baldur's gate 2, fallout 1 %26 2, vampire: the masquerade - bloodlines, ultima 7, mass effect, betrayal at krondor, planescape: torment, knights of the old republic 1 %26 2 (to an extent).oh, i totally forgot about diablo 1 %26 2. titan quest is also worthy of mention.
Vampire: The Masquarade: Bloodlines is the best one I've played in the last couple years. The first playthrough is epic. Make sure you get it patched.The Witcher is pretty good.
Diablo IIBaldurs Gate IIDeus ExWitcherFalloutThat's just a few.
Deus Ex
Baldur's gate I and II
Mass effect
Fallout 1-3
The Witcher
Jade Empire
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Fallout 3
Fallout 3Mass EffectThe Witcher
- Lands of Lore 1 -3- Planescape Torment- Baldurs Gate 1 %26 2- The Witcher- Might and Magic 1 - 6- The Last Remnant (PC version)- Neverwinter Nights 1 %26 2probably there are more I enjoyed but those are the ones which popped in my mind :)
Final Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy VIIIOblivionDiabloDiablo IIFable
Oblivion, Mass Effect, Titan Quest
Oblivion, i loved it.
On PC my favs were.
NWN1 %26 2
Fallout 3
KOTOR 1 %26 2
Jade Empire
The Witcher
When I was Younger = Wizardry, Elderscrolls (Arena, Daggerfall,etc..anyhting but that horrid Oblivion), Fallout1/2, Earthbound, Shenmue, Eye Of The Beholder, Vandel Hearts, Wild Arms, Suikoden1 and Ultima seriesSince ive been older = Baldurs Gate series, Neverwinter Night series, Gothic 3, Divine Divinity, Diablo2, The Witcher, Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant and Mass Effect
Gothic SeriesDeus Ex SeriesSystem Shock 2KOTOR I/IIWizardry 8Elder Scroll SeriesGuild WarsMASS EFFECTDrakensangMight %26 Magic SeriesBaldur's Gate seriesPlanetscape: TormentThe WitcherDiablo I/IINeverWinterBetrayal at Krondor (Old school)Lands of Lore (Old school)And of course I LOVE Japanese Rpgs too!Final Fantasy SeriesShin Megami Tensei SeriesXenosaga SeriesWild Arms SeriesLost OdysseyEternal SonataShadow Hearts seriesSuikoden SeriesTales of LegendiaTales of VesperiaTales of the AbyssDark Cloud 2Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of The Cursed KingLast RemnantBreath of Fire SeriesZeldaDo you think I just might like RPGs??? Just maybe!!! ;)
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